
Oldest portraits of Apostles found

The oldest known icons of Jesus Christ’s apostles have been found in a catacomb near St. Paul’s Basilica in Rome, Vatican officials announced at a news conference on Tuesday. Dating from the end of the 4th century, the full-face paintings depict three of Jesus’ original 12 apostles -- St. Peter, St. Andrew and St. John -- as well as St. Paul, who became an apostle after Christ’s death.

The Vatican already announced the discovery of St.Paul’s icon last June, to mark the end of the Pauline year. But the portrait was part of a larger fresco that also included the full-face depictions of the other three apostles. Located on the ceiling of a noblewoman’s burial place in the catacombs of St. Tecla, the four circular portraits, about 50 centimeters (19.7 inches) in diameter, were buried in layers of white calcium carbonate caused by the extreme humidity and lack of air circulation.

“Using a new laser technology, we have been able to burn off some rather thick deposits of white calcium without damaging the extraordinary colors of the frescoes,” said Barbara Mazzei, director of the two year restoration project. With the laser working as an “optical scalpel,” the images of the apostles came to light in full detail, showing that devotion to the apostles began in early Christianity, said Mazzei.
