Εκεί που άλλοτε βρίσκονταν οι Δίδυμοι Πύργοι, στο Σημείο Μηδέν της μητροπολιτικής Νέας Υόρκης, ήρθε στο φως κομμάτι από το παρελθόν: το ξύλινο κύτος πλοίου πιθανώς του 18ου αιώνα...
Το εύρημα, που έχει μήκος 10 μέτρων, εντόπισαν πρώτοι οι εργαζόμενοι στην ανοικοδόμηση του Παγκόσμιου Κέντρου Εμπορίου στη Νέα Υόρκη των Η.Π.Α. Στη συνέχεια έσπευσαν οι αρχαιολόγοι, οι οποίοι σκάβοντας στην περιοχή εντόπισαν και μια άγκυρα, η οποία δεν είναι βέβαιο ότι ανήκει στο εν λόγω πλοίο.
Στο εξής το λόγο έχει η περαιτέρω έρευνα. Τμήμα από τα δοκάρια του πλοίου θα σταλούν στο εργαστήριο για να βρεθεί η ακριβής ηλικία του σκάφους με τη βοήθεια της δενδροχρονολόγησης.
English version
Archaeologists at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, New York are racing to dig out what appears to be remains of the wooden hull of a stubby 18th century ship that construction crews stumbled upon earlier this week as they prepared foundations for the new World Trade Centre complex.
It has been almost 30 years since such a significant remnant of New York’s ocean-going past has been found beneath its pavements. As work continues unabated at the site, archeologists with a firm already hired to document finds of interest there, spearheaded efforts for the hull’s removal to safe ground and more detailed analysis.
''We noticed curved timbers that a back hoe brought up'', Molly McDonald of the company AKRF, said. ''We quickly found the rib of a vessel and continued to clear it away and expose the hull over the last two days''.
The section measures about 32 feet long and may have been dumped along with other landfill to expand the lower end of Manhattan into what used to be the waters of the Hudson River. In a stroke of luck for the archeologists, the weather in New York since Tuesday has been damp. Had the hull’s ribs been exposed to bright sun they might have started to decompose immediately.
A large anchor has also been uncovered, but it’s not clear if belongs to the ship. Digging through layers of mud and oyster shell, they have also found a semi circular steel collar on a brick base that may have been inside the vessel as some kind of oven or primitive steam boiler.
Πηγές / Sources: Arxaiologia, The Independent
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